Must Reads that can transform you beautifully .

1. Tuesdays with Morrie    Tuesdays with Morrie is a real life story of a teacher who beautifully explains his student  secrets of living a meaningful life, going through it peacefully and understanding the value of people.

2. Ikigai    Ikigai is a book that not only reveals the secrets of how Japanese people live longer and healthier but also how to focus and lead a meaningful, happy and contented life. It also has a healthy lifestyle routine for people.

3. Man's Search for Meaning    Man's Search for Meaning is a book which is written by a doctor who survived the Holocaust and shares the valuable insights about life, optimism and a determination which is a blessing to human psychology.

4. Homo Deus     Homo Deus is a book which gives us the details of how humankind's future would probably look like. Will it have the same ethos or mankind will prove its own villain in a changed world and will achieve immortality and upgrade themselves from Homo Sapiens to Homo Deus.

5. The Decision Book    The Decision Book is a self help book that will not only transform a person's strategic thinking and planning abilities but also help in making quick, effective and right decisions of everyday life, of business and other important occasions.