Beautiful flowers that can adore your interiors.

1. Peace Lily     Peace Lily known for air purifying and for bringing health and luck is a beautiful plant that needs not much sunlight. Keeping their soil moist, misting their leaves will lead to healthy growth of the plant.

2. English Ivy    English Ivy are wonderful climbers that can grow well in indirect light. They are invasive but can be trimmed during any time of the year. They just need moist soil and misting.

3. Bromeliad   Bromeliad are the bright colorful plants that do not need direct sunlight and can grow in fluorescent light. It just needs misting to grow healthily and soil watering in every one to two weeks.

4. Philodendron    Philodendron is a lucky plant that needs indirect sunlight, pruning, evenly moist soil that could dry easily and weekly watering to grow healthily. They also thrive well with monthly fertilization and soil rich in organic matter.

5. Pothos    Pothos are the plants that can grow in dry soil and in bright indirect and fluorescent light. They just need plant fertilizers to grow healthily and can be pruned easily to avoid vines invasion.